Author: webmaster
COVID-19 Protocol Notice
Serbian Orthodox Church - Fair Oaks
COVID 19 Protocol Notice
Dear Parishioner,
Before entering church, please follow these important requirements:
Conduct a self-screening at home to include a temperature and symptom checkIf you have any of these symptoms, please do not come to church:frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or live with someone w...
Synaxis of St. Archangel GabrielSunday July 26.20209:00 am Divine Liturgy Divine Liturgy is outside, south side of churchNo Live streaming of Sunday Divine Liturgy.You are welcome to service!!Wednesday July 29, 20206:00 pm Akathist Saturday August 1, 20206:00pm Vespers
Sunday Divine Liturgy starts at 9 am.
1. Service will be outside on the south side of our church.2. Masks will still be required.3. There will be designed spots to stand 6 ft apart. 4. It will start at 9 am du...