St. Sava Camp – Virtual

Dear Brothers and Sisters:With the Blessing of His Grace Bishop Maxim,we are excited to announce that Virtual Camp St. Savawill be kicking off on Monday, July 27!Get ready to experience some of the things you love about camp from thecomfort of your home.This year, we’re offering activities including religious topic discussions withElissa Bjeletich, music class with Popadija Biljana,and wrapping up the camp week with a virtual zabava wi...

July 19 Service during Pandemic

As you all know, there have been new service impacts with the pandemic. As of July 19th, we will not have live stream while our liturgy is outside. 1. Service will be outside of church this Sunday at the south side of our church.2. Masks will still be required.3. There will be designed spots to stand 6 ft apart. 4. It will start at 9 am due to the heat. 5. There will be no live streaming.Thank you for understanding! Draga braco i sestre u HristuSveta Liturgija za vreme epidemije korone virus...

Vidovdan Service

Dear Parishioners, While we usually have a great Vidovdan event in the Church and Church Hall, this year brings us changes. We thought it would be best to outline what is happening next weekend and what is not.   The Liturgy at 10 a.m. is still on with limited capacity or live stream. Please ensure you bring a mask as it is required for entry. There will be a Parastos immediately after Liturgy inside the Church.There will NOT be a luncheon or...