Celebration of Church Slava and Eight Centuries of Autocephaly of the Serbian Church
at our parish on August 25, 2019.
There will be many Hierarchs and officials at this celebration. The good news for us, here in Fair Oaks, is that our beloved Bishop Maxim will be joined at our Kresna Slava celebration by at least six other Hierarchs from Serbia. Our distinguished guests joining our Bishop Maxim will include Bishop David, Bishop of Stobi and Administrator of Strumitsa, Bishop Hilarion of Timok, Bishop Sergije of Bihac-Petrovac, Bishop of Zahumlje and Hercegovina Dimitrije, vicar bishop of Diokleja Metodije, Local clergy will also participate.
We are blessed, first time in the history of our church in Fair Oaks, six Bishops will celebrate Divine Liturgy for Church Slava and eight hundred years of Autocephaly of Serbian Church.
More information coming soon!
Mark your calendar!
Prosalva Crkvene Slave i Osam Vekova Autokefalnosti Srpske Crkve bice proslavljeno u nasoj parohiji Avgusta 25, 2019.
U proslavi nase srkvene slave uzece ucesce pored naseg dragog Vladike Maksima jos 6 Vladika koji dolaze iz Srbije sa svestenstvom.
Bog nas je blagoslovio da po prvi put u istorije postojanja nase crkve u Feir Oaksu sluze sedam Vladika za crkvenu slavu tako da se i mi ukljucimo u zajednicku proslavu osam stotina godina Autokefalnosti Srpske Crkve!
Dodatne informacije bice dostupne uskoro.
Upisite u vase kalendare!
Join us for Diocesan Days 2019 as we celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church (1219 – 2019)
August 30 – September 1, 2019
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, San Gabriel, CA

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist – Liturgy will be held at 9 am (FASTING)
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The Nativity of Theotokos – Liturgy at 9 am
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