You are invited…KSS Slava

You are invited to the KSS Slava

November 22, 2020
9:30 AM Liturgy
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Lunch In Person OR Pick Up Box
7777 Sunset Avenue
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

This year’s KSS Slava will include both Liturgy and In-Person lunch, along with the option of just picking up take-home boxes. 

We are very much looking forward to seeing you in person at the capacity we can have. Please join us. If you do not feel comfortable attending in person, please pick up a take home meal. Donations are welcome. 

Regardless if you’re coming in person or just picking up a box, please do order online for both at the link below so that we can accurately make the right amount of food. Please bring your order number with you (this will be emailed to you). Order Here

We will be sending out guidelines as to what to expect at in-person dining and for take home boxes. Mostly, you will have to wear a mask to pick up your meal, and you will have to wear a mask unless you’re eating with your family. Tables will be separated by the social distancing measure. All meals will be individually packed and separated out so as to follow protocol. Only specific personnel will be allowed in kitchen as we have to follow strict sanitation guidelines. 

We have consulted with other churches in our area as well as Serbian Orthodox Churches in California and have come up with the proper plan to execute this correctly. If in any way, our Tier in Sacramento goes from Red to Purple again, we will have to only do take home boxes in which case we will notify you all. 

Please note, while we do not enjoy following every protocol ourselves, we are doing so to ensure that our church and its hall is not shut down in any way. We are looking forward to seeing you again in person.